Consequence Modeling

A pivotal tool for organizations and facilities, consequence modeling offers critical information for effective risk management, emergency planning, and compliance. It aids in conducting process hazard analyses (PHAs), evaluating incidents, and assessing vent system designs. Moreover, it contributes to facility siting studies and quantitative risk assessments (QRAs).
By simulating the potential outcomes of diverse scenarios, we empower organizations to prioritize and address risks with precision. Our comprehensive consequence modeling services provide confidence in managing process hazards effectively.
The team has decades of experience in the assessment of flammable vapor dispersion, toxic vapor dispersion, jet fires, pool fires, vapor cloud explosions, BLEVEs, pressure vessel bursts, dust explosions, and other hazards. Our expertise seamlessly integrates with our suite of services such as quantitative risk assessment (QRA), facility siting, and fire protection.
AcuTech has leading experts that leverage the latest consequence modeling tools available. We are experienced in the full range of modeling tools, including: Phast, FLACS, and EFFECTS. We provide a comprehensive understanding of the risks associated with industrial processes and the optimal placement of facilities. Our tailored consequence modeling services address the specific needs and challenges faced by companies in various industries. They provide organizations with critical information for effective decision-making. With internationally recognized competence, AcuTech navigates the interconnected elements of process safety to fortify your organization against potential hazards.
- Fire, Blast/Explosion, and Toxic Hazard Modeling
- Hazard identification studies (HAZID)
- Development of accidental release scenarios
- Use of a range of models for every application, from simple screening to complex analysis
- Foundational understanding of the hazard models and physical phenomena
- Support from experts with decades of experience managing risks in operating facilities
AcuTech’s consultants are well versed in codes and standards developed by industry bodies and will refer to these as well as each client’s local jurisdiction codes and standards. A sampling of the relevant codes and standards can be found below.
- API RP 752 – Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Buildings: Published by the American Petroleum Institute (API), RP 752 provides guidance on the identification and management of hazards associated with the location of buildings in relation to process plants. It is commonly used for facility siting studies and considers factors such as overpressure, radiant heat, and toxic gas exposure.
- API RP 753 – Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Portable Buildings: Also published by API, RP 753 is specific to portable buildings and provides guidance on managing hazards associated with their location in relation to process plants. It complements API RP 752.
- NFPA 59A – Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG): The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) publishes NFPA 59A, which outlines standards for the production, storage, and handling of LNG. This standard includes requirements for consequence modeling related to LNG terminals.
- NFPA 30 – Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code: NFPA 30 provides guidelines for the safe storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids. It may be relevant to consequence modeling for facilities dealing with such substances.
- NFPA 15 – Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection: NFPA 15 addresses the design and installation of water spray systems for fire protection. It may be referenced in consequence modeling for fire scenarios.
- ISO 31000 – Risk Management: ISO 31000 is an international standard that provides principles and guidelines for risk management. While not specific to consequence modeling, it is often considered in the broader context of risk assessment and management.
- CCPS Guidelines – Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS): The CCPS, a part of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), has published various guidelines and books on process safety, including consequence modeling. These resources often provide in-depth information and methodologies.
- OSHA 1910.119 – Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States outlines requirements for process safety management, including the consideration of consequence modeling, in OSHA 1910.119.
- EPA RMP – Risk Management Program Regulations (40 CFR Part 68): The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates risk management programs for facilities handling hazardous substances. Consequence modeling is often a component of the risk management program.
- ISA-TR84.00.02 – Part 2 (IEC 61511 Mod): Guidance for the Implementation of ANSI/ISA-84.00.01: Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector: Part 2 – Guidelines for the Application of ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod): This standard provides guidelines for implementing functional safety in the process industry, including aspects related to consequence modeling for safety instrumented systems.
Our consultants have contributed to the following standards, codes, and programs:
- Member of the API Facility Siting Committee
- Member of the original API 752 Facility Siting Task Force
- Lead author of the AIChE CCPS® Guidelines for Chemical Transportation Safety, Security and Risk Management, 2008
- Expert users of the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) PHAST and SAFETI software, including the 3-D explosion extension, including contributions to the DNV User Seminars.
- Completed hundreds of consequence modeling projects across the globe, in oil, gas, chemical, and specialty chemical operations
- Leading experts in modeling with Phast and Safeti – when they are looking for input on new features, they come to us