Process Safety Management Systems

International and national standards in key risk management areas provide a foundational framework for responsible companies. AcuTech offers consulting, training, and support in formal process safety management system development, implementation, self-verification of compliance, and certification pursuits aligned with these standards.
Our partners have benefited from our commitment to supporting effective process safety management system design, implementation, and review. The effectiveness of an intentional alignment to the plan-do-check-act process to improve management systems has been proven repeatedly.
As a firm focused on both the technical and management aspects of process risk, our consultants are well suited to support effective management system implementation and improvement. Contact us for guidance and collaboration in nurturing a robust risk management culture within your organization.
The following list of management systems and standards represents just a sampling of the systems AcuTech consultants specialize in.
Asset Management System ISO 55001
An asset management system enables companies to ensure that they provide the best services to their customers by maximizing asset value. Asset management systems ensure that the people, systems, processes, and resources are present and will perform when required over the whole life cycle. The foundation of this management system rests on the criticality assessment and life cycle analysis of facility’s assets.
- Asset management system implementation
- Tier I, II, III manual development
- Inventory and prioritization of assets
- Strategy planning
- Development of strategic asset management plans including goals, objectives, targets, and management programs
- Development and conduction of training programs and materials
- Development and implementation of internal audit program
- Management review training & coordination
- ISO 50001 certification coordination and supervision
Energy Management System ISO 50001
Energy management system is a means to achieve energy efficiency through well planned procedures and methods, ensuring continual improvement, and spreading awareness of energy efficiency throughout an entire organization. The foundation of this management system rests on the energy audit of facility activities.
- Energy management system manual development
- Energy audits
- Development of goals, objectives, targets, and management programs
- Development of training programs and materials
- Development and implementation of internal audit program
- Management review trainings & coordination
- ISO 50001 certification coordination and supervision
Environmental Management System ISO 14001
Environmental management systems are built on Dr. Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle that have the inherent feature of integration with any other management system built on the PDCA cycle. ISO 14001 is a popular and well-established standard that enables you to effectively manage environmental issues at your facility through a management system approach.
- Manual development for environmental management systems
- Impact determination
- Development of goals objectives, targets, and management programs
- Development of training program and materials
- Development and implementation of internal audit program
- Management review trainings and coordination
- ISO 14001 certification coordination and supervision
Fully Integrated Management System
The fully integrated management system incorporates the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 into a single approach. This system’s conceptual design is built on the Plan-Do-Check-Act model with the structure of quality management system. It unifies the procedures for documentation, auditing, training, reviews, etc.
- Fully integrated management system manual development (tier I)
- Fully integrated procedures manual development (tier II)
- Implementation of fully integrated management system
- QHSSE integrated training program development
- Integrated internal audit program development & implementation
- Management review trainings under the integrated system
- Coordination and supervision for certification audits under the fully integrated QHSSE (one audit for all)
Quality Management System ISO 9001
Quality management systems are built on Dr. Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, a well-established and universal tool that enables you to incorporate and utilize other management systems.
- Quality manual development
- Process mapping
- Quality procedures development
- Training material development
- Development of goals, objectives and SMART targets
- Internal audit program development and implementation
- Management review training
- ISO 9001 certification coordination and supervision
Responsible Care™ Management System RC 14001
Responsible Care™ management systems are a popular voluntary initiative to continuously improve and protect the environment, health, safety, and security (EHSS) of your facilities and the community. Responsible Care™ management systems have increased the focus on product stewardship focus and managing EHSS issues along the whole value chain.
- Gap analysis
- Documentation review
- Alignment of sustainability and product stewardship initiatives with existing systems
- Security management system development and implementation
- Security vulnerability analysis
- Development of goals, objectives and SMART targets
- Responsible Care™ trainings
- Internal audit program development and implementation
- Management review trainings
- Responsible Care™ RC 14001 certification coordination and supervision.
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard outlines the requirements for process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals.
ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems)
While not specific to process safety, ISO 45001 provides a framework for occupational health and safety management systems, which can include elements of process safety.
Functional Safety - Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector (IEC 61511)
This international standard provides requirements for the specification, design, installation, operation, and maintenance of safety instrumented systems.
Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids (NFPA 654)
This standard by the National Fire Protection Association addresses the prevention of fire and dust explosions in facilities handling combustible particulate solids.
Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust (NFPA 652)
Another NFPA standard, NFPA 652, provides fundamental requirements for managing combustible dust hazards.
Process Safety Performance Indicators for the Refining and Petrochemical Industries (API RP 754)
Published by the American Petroleum Institute (API), this recommended practice provides guidelines for the development and use of leading and lagging process safety indicators.